Colleague, Protect Your Business Where It Counts!
Unfortunately, disasters happen, but if you plan ahead, they don't have to be devastating to you or your business. As you finalize your New Year's budget, consider the following precautions to protect your business' valuable information and whether or not you need to implement or upgrade them in 2010:
Electronic Backup - Preventing the loss of your company's electronic data should be one of your top priorities. According to a study from University of Wisconsin, 29% of businesses that suffer from serious data loss close their doors within two years, and nearly 43% never reopen their doors at all. Be sure to have a trustworthy backup system for your electronic data, and test it regularly to make sure it is still functioning properly.
Physical File Protection - While you should keep electronic copies of all your important documents, such as lease papers, company tax information, employee information, electronic backups, etc., protecting the hard copies is vital. Fireproof file cabinets with locks are a great investment to make sure your important documents stay safe.
Network Security - Guarding your network from hackers is a major necessity for all companies. Putting up firewalls and regularly changing out your passwords will help to keep hackers out of your network and away from your sensitive business files.
Looking for help protecting your important information? Call Olpin Group today at (714) 970-2299 or
visit our website for more information about our products specially designed to protect what is important to your business.